DFW Metroplex Traffic Net - Late Edit

  • 2 Meters
  • Repeater

Net Schedule

Local Time UTC Time Frequency Net Control
9:30 PM Monday America/Chicago 03:30 Tuesday WA5CKF Repeater 146.72 MHz
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9:30 PM Tuesday America/Chicago 03:30 Wednesday WA5CKF Repeater 146.72 MHz
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9:30 PM Wednesday America/Chicago 03:30 Thursday WA5CKF Repeater 146.72 MHz
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9:30 PM Thursday America/Chicago 03:30 Friday WA5CKF Repeater 146.72 MHz
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9:30 PM Friday America/Chicago 03:30 Saturday WA5CKF Repeater 146.72 MHz
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9:30 PM Saturday America/Chicago 03:30 Sunday WA5CKF Repeater 146.72 MHz
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9:30 PM Sunday America/Chicago 03:30 Monday WA5CKF Repeater 146.72 MHz
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This net takes place on a repeater

WA5CKF Repeater
146.72 MHz Tone: 110.9 Repeater Website: https://irvingarc.org/

Net Details

The DFW Metroplex Traffic Net is a local affiliate of the ARRL’s National Traffic System. Our purposes are to move NTS radiogram traffic into and out of the Dallas/Fort Worth area through the NTS, and to provide training for amateurs interested in traffic handling. All licensed amateur stations are welcome and encouraged to participate.




Province / State

United States

2 Meters

Created February 7, 2025 by n1dvm
Last updated February 7, 2025

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