Southern Tier NY Digital Voice Net Edit

  • Internet
  • DMR
  • Fusion

Net Schedule

Local Time UTC Time Frequency Net Control
7:00 PM Sunday America/New_York 23:00 Sunday N/A MHz W2FJH

Net Details

The primary purpose of the ‘STNY Digital Voice Net’ is to help foster an active Digital Voice community in the Southern Tier of New York and to provide a forum for those that are interested or have questions regarding various Digital Voice topics. While this net is primarily for the Southern Tier, all stations are more than welcome to check in. This net is also simultaneously broadcasted to Google Meet and YouTube. Those that are having difficulties getting on DMR, please join on Google Meet. After the net, the discussion moves over to the online meeting for a ragchew or to ask questions. This net utilizes Net Logger which can be downloaded at However, Net Logger is not required and we will take additional voice checkins.

Frank (W2FJH)


DMR Talkgroup
Brandmeister 31367

Fusion Room
Wires-X Room 8372

Province / State
New York

United States

No band calculated

Created August 11, 2024 by W2kdc
Last updated August 11, 2024 by Dennis

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