DMR Nets Add a Net
Name | Days UTC | Extras | Band |
YARC Digital Net |
Handiham Radio Club Net |
David & Friends |
DV Scotland Phoenix : Monday Night Net |
Saint Max Net |
Raspberry PI Net |
Southern Tier NY Digital Voice Net |
AuxComm USA Multi-Mode Net |
The Morning Brew |
The Friday Night CANNET Canadian D-Star & Multi Digital Net |
Dialog with Don |
Narwhal Amateur Radio Society Club Net |
1900 Net |
New Hams Net |
WIA News |
The Diner |
Parks On The Air (POTA) Net |
BayNet DMR, Fusion, and Workbench Podcast net |
Home Counties Net (2nd Wednesday of the month) |
David & Friends |
The Scanner/SWL junkies net |
ECR Tech Net |
IRN KB1 Multimode net |
World Wide Check-In |
Boredom Breaker |